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  • dan
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    3 years, 3 months ago

    # **Copper Ridge Community Holiday Craft Bash** – Brought to you by the Social Committee.
    Community Event: December 11th 2021 – 11am to 2pm via Dover Road entrance.

    Copper Ridge Community Holiday Craft Bash

    **Come out, brings the kids and have some fun creating Holiday crafts for Christmas!** 😃 **From paint, to x-mas ornaments, some with mini lights and more. **

    If you have any questions or you would like to volunteer, please reach out to the social committee on Facebook or Copper Ridge Website. We also tagged the current members below, so feel free to reach out.

    You can create a free account and engage in our activity page as you would in any other social platform.

    **Social Committee Members:** Telisha Catchings Carmen Gay Sheila Cherie

    If you have folding tables you can donate, we could use as many as possible, to sit as many kids as we can during the event.

    Thank you

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